Dr. Kazenoff is Board Certified in Internal Medicine and has the high honor of being a Fellow in the American College of Physicians for achieving a standard of excellence. Dr. Kazenoff graduated from St. Louis University School of Medicine in 1979 and completed his Internship and Residency at Fitzsimons Army Medical Center in Denver, CO in 1982. He was in the U.S. Army Reserve from 1975 to 1979 and Active Duty 1979 to 1986. He was promoted to Major and became Chief of Internal Medicine at Patterson Army Community Hospital at Fort Monmouth, NJ.
Dr. Kazenoff joined the full-time faculty of North Shore University Hospital in Manhasset, NY in 1988. At North Shore, he was an attending physician in the Divisions of Medicine and Peripheral Vascular Disease. He was an Assistant Professor of Medicine of Cornell University Medical College, and Co-Physician-in-Charge of North Shore's Peripheral Vascular Laboratory until 1994. In 1994, Dr. Kazenoff joined the Huntington Medical Group becoming a Shareholder/Director, and an attending physician at Huntington Hospital. In April 1999, Dr. Kazenoff established his own internal medicine practice in Huntington, admitting to Huntington Hospital, part of the North Shore-LIJ Health System. For a brief period he was an Acting Director at the Carillon Nursing and Rehabilitation Center. In addition to his office practice, Dr. Kazenoff was a Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine at University Hospital, SUNY at Stony Brook, an attending physician at Carillon Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, and was an attending physician at Huntington Hospital. In July 2011, Dr. Kazenoff was appointed Clinical Assistant Professor in the Department of Medicine at the Hofstra University School of Medicine.
Dr. Kazenoff had a long and rewarding career in medicine and is widely regarded for his diagnostic and clinical skills and how he cared for his patients. He has significant experience in treating patients with multiple complex conditions. He was listed as a "Five Star Doctor" for Internal Medicine in Newsday.
Expert Witness Reviews and Litigation Support
Dr. Kazenoff has been providing more than 25 years of medical malpractice litigation support services, opening his full-time expert consulting practice in January 2020. He provides services to both physician insurers directly and for counsel representing physicians, hospitals, skilled nursing and rehabilitation facilities, and home care agencies. He has brought his diagnostic and treatment expertise and knowledge to his expert reviews, examining in detail the factual background of cases from an objective point of view and rendering his expert opinion as to the treatment provided by the practitioners and facilities at issue.
His reports are extensive, detailed and provide pertinent up to date medical references, articles and studies that relate to the condition at issue. His analysis and references have proven to be immensely helpful to counsel. He has a reputation for being extremely thorough in his review and analysis. His experience and expertise has been heralded as exemplary by the parties, even though the cases involved a myriad of medically complex issues often considered to be exclusively the domain of specialists. Matters have involved hospitalized patients, including post-operative complications, nursing home patients, as well as out-patients. Submissions have included Expert Reviews, Affirmations, and Supplemental Affirmations in opposition to a Plaintiff’s Expert Affirmation, resulting in Summary Judgments in favor of the defense.